Cultivating a Spirit of Curiosity and Adventure
You have permission to try anything..Anything ..yes, Anything.
I want you to be creative and adventurous and to dream big. Be curious..get your hands dirty..make messes..I don’t mind “shoveling snow in a snow storm” as you fulfill your need to explore.
Unstructured play-time is HUGE..It’s proven to help child development in a variety of ways..Not to mention how incredibly entertaining it is to watch! Get out and move..make plans, cause problems, solve problems, let your imagination run wild.
It’s ok to break the rules every once in a while..but always remember there are consequences to every action. I will stand firm in my belief that I have provided you with the wisdom to choose what is just and what is right.
Don’t ever let the fear of failure stop you from trying anything.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
You have been commanded to walk fearlessly through this life.
Experience everything. I believe the meaning behind your experiences are just as important as the experiences themselves. What did you take away that you can use towards the next experience or interaction with others. They will shape you into the man you will become.
Never forgot the why. Go out for Adventure, but go with purpose and passion and seek to make the world a better place. Smile often and remember how precious life is. Everyone has their share of just be nice and shine your light wherever you go.
And Hey..Don’t be afraid to tell me everything.
I want you to come to me with your failures and victories, I am here with open arms, listening ears, and forgiveness when you need it most.
There is nobody I would rather share this life on earth with more than you and your momma.
Try something new with your kids every day
New type of food- Be fun with it, let them get their hands dirty and mix it up
Build Something- find every cushion and blanket in the house and get after it
Sports/Activities- Have you always wanted to try a certain sport out yourself? This would be the perfect opportunity to give it a shot ..chances are you’re going to be better than your kids (maybe).
Creative Arts- Try: Painting a masterpiece, building a clay sculpture, writing a play, build a venue, have a concert, DANCE baby.